Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Workout Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise
Primary Muscle Group Shoulders
Secondary Muscle Group Traps
Equipment Required Cable
Force Type Pull
Mechanics Isolation
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle

Secondary Muscles

How to do Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise – Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Set the pulley on a cable machine to the lowest setting. Stand sideways to the machine and grab the handle with your outside hand, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Your arm should be slightly bent, and your core engaged.
  • Step 2: With your palm facing your body, slowly raise your arm out to the side, keeping a slight bend in your elbow. Raise your arm until it reaches shoulder height or just above it.
  • Step 3: Pause briefly at the top, ensuring that your shoulders are not shrugged, and feel the contraction in your lateral deltoid (side shoulder).
  • Step 4: Slowly lower the cable back to the starting position, keeping the movement controlled. Avoid letting the weight stack slam down.
  • Step 5: Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides to work the other arm.

Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise Overview

The Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise is a great isolation exercise that targets the lateral deltoid, the muscle responsible for shoulder width and roundness. By using a cable machine, this exercise provides constant tension on the muscle throughout the entire range of motion, helping to enhance muscle activation and growth.

This exercise is effective for building shoulder definition and strength, making it a popular choice for those looking to develop broader shoulders. It can also help improve shoulder stability and control by working one arm at a time, allowing for better focus on muscle engagement.

Benefits of Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises

The Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise primarily targets the lateral deltoid, helping to build shoulder width and improve upper body aesthetics. It’s an excellent exercise for enhancing shoulder strength and muscle definition, as well as improving shoulder stability.

Using a cable machine provides continuous tension on the muscle, which maximizes muscle activation and helps build strength and size more effectively than free weights in some cases. This exercise also improves coordination and muscle symmetry by working one arm at a time.

It’s a joint-friendly exercise that reduces the risk of shoulder strain compared to other movements, making it a safe and effective way to isolate the shoulders.

Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises: Pro Tips & Advanced Techniques

Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to prevent your body from swaying. Focus on a slow, controlled motion, especially during the lowering phase. Avoid shrugging your shoulder or using momentum to lift the cable. To increase intensity, try holding the top position for 1-2 seconds or use a slightly heavier weight with controlled form. Ready to build strong, rounded shoulders? Let’s raise it up!

Progression Plan for Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises

Level Sets Reps Progression Tips
Beginner 2 10-12 per arm Start with a lighter weight to focus on mastering the movement and controlling the cable. Keep your core tight and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.
Intermediate 3 12-15 per arm Increase the weight gradually as your shoulder strength improves. Focus on maintaining a steady tempo and keeping tension on the lateral deltoid throughout the movement.
Advanced 4 15-18 per arm Use a heavier weight or add a pause at the top of the movement for extra muscle activation. Slow down the eccentric (lowering) phase to increase time under tension for more muscle growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise

What muscles do Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises target?

This exercise primarily targets the lateral deltoid, which is responsible for shoulder width and definition. It also engages the stabilizer muscles in the shoulder and core.

Are Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises suitable for beginners?

Yes, this exercise is suitable for beginners. Start with a lighter weight and focus on proper form and control to build shoulder strength and stability before progressing to heavier weights.

How can I make Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises more challenging?

To increase difficulty, use a heavier weight or slow down the lowering phase to increase time under tension. You can also add a pause at the top of the movement to further engage the lateral deltoid.

How often should I include Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises in my routine?

Include this exercise 2-3 times per week as part of your shoulder or upper body workout. It pairs well with other shoulder exercises like presses and front raises for complete shoulder development.

What common mistakes should I avoid?

Avoid using momentum to lift the weight or shrugging your shoulders. Keep your core tight and control the motion throughout to prevent swaying or using the wrong muscles.

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