Landmine Throw: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Workout Landmine Throw
Primary Muscle Group Shoulders
Secondary Muscle Group Abs, Biceps
Equipment Required Barbell
Force Type Push
Mechanics Compound
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

Landmine Throw: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle

Secondary Muscles


How to do Landmine Throw – Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Secure one end of a barbell into a landmine attachment or a corner of a room. Stand perpendicular to the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the end of the barbell with both hands in a staggered stance, with one foot forward and the other back.
  • Step 2: Lower into a quarter squat while holding the barbell in front of your body. Rotate your torso slightly toward the barbell.
  • Step 3: Explosively extend your legs and rotate your hips, driving the bar upward and across your body in a throwing motion. Keep your arms extended but relaxed as you "throw" the barbell.
  • Step 4: Allow the barbell to return to the starting position in a controlled manner. Absorb the momentum by lowering back into a quarter squat and repeat.
  • Step 5: Perform the exercise on both sides, switching your stance and direction of rotation for each set.

Landmine Throw Overview

The Landmine Throw is a dynamic rotational exercise that targets the core, shoulders, and hips. This explosive movement mimics the mechanics of throwing a punch or performing a rotational sport movement, making it excellent for athletes. It also enhances coordination, power, and speed by incorporating multiple muscle groups through rotational movement patterns.

This exercise is commonly used for building explosive power in sports like boxing, baseball, and tennis, where rotational strength and core stability are critical.

Benefits of Landmine Throw

The Landmine Throw improves rotational strength, power, and overall core stability. It also helps develop explosive hip rotation and shoulder power, making it ideal for athletes or those involved in activities requiring rotational movements. By working multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the shoulders, obliques, and legs, the exercise contributes to full-body conditioning.

Additionally, the exercise enhances proprioception (body awareness), coordination, and balance by requiring control throughout the entire movement.

Landmine Throw: Pro Tips & Advanced Techniques

Focus on using your legs and hips to generate the power for the throw, rather than relying solely on your arms. Keep your core tight to prevent unnecessary rotation of the spine. For an added challenge, you can increase the speed of the movement or use a heavier barbell. Control the lowering phase of the movement to improve stability and prevent injury.

Progression Plan for Landmine Throw

Level Sets Reps Progression Tips
Beginner 2-3 8-10 per side Start with a lighter barbell and focus on mastering the rotational movement and controlling the bar.
Intermediate 3 10-12 per side Gradually increase the speed and weight while maintaining control and proper form.
Advanced 4 12-15 per side Use heavier weights and increase the explosiveness of the movement to further challenge the core and shoulders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Landmine Throw

What muscles do Landmine Throws target?

Landmine Throws primarily target the core, shoulders, obliques, and hips. The exercise also engages the legs and back for stabilization.

Can beginners perform Landmine Throws?

Yes, beginners can perform this exercise using lighter weights and focusing on proper form and controlled rotation before increasing intensity.

How can I make Landmine Throws more challenging?

To increase the difficulty, use heavier weights or increase the speed and explosiveness of the throw. You can also slow down the eccentric phase for added control and strength development.

What common mistakes should I avoid during Landmine Throws?

Avoid relying on your arms to "throw" the barbell. Focus on generating power through your hips and core, and keep the movement controlled to avoid injury.

How often should I include Landmine Throws in my routine?

Landmine Throws can be included 1-2 times per week as part of your upper-body or core workout routine to improve rotational strength and power.

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