Nordic Hamstring Curl

  • Kneel on a soft surface with a partner holding your ankles or secure your feet under a sturdy object.
  • Lower your body forward, hinging at your hips, until you're close to the ground.
  • Engage your hamstrings to control the descent.
  • Push through your hamstrings to return to the starting position.
  • Keep your core engaged throughout for stability.

Dumbbell Hamstring Curl

  • Lie face down on a bench, positioning a dumbbell securely between your feet.
  • Grasp the sides of the bench for stability and ensure your legs are fully extended.
  • Flex your knees, pulling the dumbbell upward toward your glutes.
  • Pause briefly at the top, engaging your hamstrings, then lower the dumbbell back down with control.

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in front.
  • Hinge at your hips, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
  • Lower the dumbbells towards the floor, maintaining a straight back.
  • Feel the stretch in your hamstrings, then return to the starting position.

Dumbbell Staggered Deadlift

  • Stand with feet staggered, one foot forward, holding dumbbells in front.
  • Hinge at your hips, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
  • Lower the dumbbells towards the floor, maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Feel the stretch in your hamstrings, then return to the starting position.

Romanian Deadlift

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front.
  • Hinge at your hips, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
  • Lower the barbell down your legs, maintaining a straight back.
  • Feel the stretch in your hamstrings, ensuring your back stays neutral.
  • Engage your hamstrings and glutes to return to the upright position.

Sumo Deadlift

  • Stand with a wide stance, toes pointing outward, and a barbell in front of you.
  • Grip the barbell with hands inside your legs, maintaining a straight back.
  • Engage your core, lift your chest, and straighten your hips and knees.
  • Keep the barbell close to your body as you stand upright.
  • Lower the barbell back to the ground with control, maintaining proper form.

Glute Ham Raise

  • Position yourself on a glute ham raise machine, securing your ankles.
  • Start with your body parallel to the ground and knees bent.
  • Lower your upper body towards the floor while maintaining a straight line.
  • Engage your hamstrings and glutes to lift your upper body back to the starting position.
  • Control the movement throughout for optimal muscle activation.

Leg Curl

  • Lie face down on a leg curl machine, securing your ankles beneath the padded lever.
  • Adjust the machine to align with your legs and grasp the handles for stability.
  • Curl your legs upward, contracting your hamstrings.
  • Ensure controlled movement, extending your legs back to the starting position.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

  • Lie on your back with your heels on a stability ball, arms by your sides.
  • Lift your hips, creating a straight line from shoulders to heels.
  • Dig your heels into the ball, curling it toward your glutes.
  • Keep your hips elevated throughout the movement.
  • Extend your legs back out, maintaining control.

Single Leg Exercise Ball Leg Curl

  • Lie on your back with an exercise ball at your feet and lift one leg.
  • Place your heel on the ball, keeping your hips elevated.
  • Curl the ball towards your glutes, lifting your hips higher.
  • Extend your leg back out, maintaining control throughout the movement.
  • Switch legs and repeat for a balanced workout.