Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Workout Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step
Primary Muscle Group Chest
Secondary Muscle Group Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Required Dumbbell
Force Type Push
Mechanics Compound
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Table Of Contents

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle

Secondary Muscles

How to do the Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step – Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Lie on your back on the floor with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Step 2: Bend your knees, placing your feet flat on the floor.
  • Step 3: Lift your hips slightly, creating a small step.
  • Step 4: With the dumbbells in hand, extend your arms upward, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Step 5: Lower the dumbbells towards the sides of your chest.
  • Step 6: Press them back up, fully extending your arms.
  • Step 7: Repeat for 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step Overview

The Dumbbell Chest Press on Floor Step combines the effectiveness of the classic chest press with an added floor step. This modification increases the range of motion, providing a unique challenge to your chest muscles. The exercise engages the core and stabilizing muscles, enhancing overall strength. The floor step ensures proper form and targets the chest from a different angle, promoting a well-rounded chest workout.

Benefits of The Dumbbell Chest Press On Floor Step

By incorporating the floor step, it intensifies the engagement of the chest muscles, fostering muscle development and toning. This exercise also activates stabilizing muscles, contributing to improved core strength and overall balance. The use of dumbbells allows for unilateral training, addressing muscle imbalances. Additionally, the floor step promotes a controlled and safe range of motion.

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