Archer Push Ups: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Workout Archer Push Ups
Primary Muscle Group Chest
Secondary Muscle Group Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Required Bodyweight
Force Type Push
Mechanics Compound
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

Archer Push Ups: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Table Of Contents

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle

Secondary Muscles

How to do the Archer Push Ups – Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Start in a standard push-up position with hands wider than shoulder-width.
  • Step 2: Shift your weight to one side, straightening the opposite arm as you lower your chest toward the bent arm.
  • Step 3: Maintain tension in the extended arm.
  • Step 4: Push back up to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Step 5: Ensure a controlled and fluid movement, engaging both arms and chest.

Archer Push Ups Overview

Archer Push-Ups are a dynamic variation that intensifies the standard push-up, targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps while promoting unilateral strength. This exercise challenges stability and enhances muscle engagement for a well-rounded upper body workout.

Benefits of The Archer Push Ups

Unlock the potential of Archer Push-Ups for a formidable upper body. This advanced variation not only builds chest and tricep strength but also promotes shoulder stability and balance. The unilateral movement adds a unique challenge, fostering muscle symmetry and coordination. Archer Push-Ups can be adapted to various fitness levels, making them a versatile addition to your bodyweight workout routine.

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