Squat with Calf Raise

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Perform a standard squat, lowering your hips back and bending your knees.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top. Lower the dumbbells back down, allowing your shoulders to fully extend.
  • Hold the raised position for a moment, emphasizing the calf contraction. Lower your heels back down and repeat the squat-calf raise sequence.

One Leg Standing Bodyweight Calf Raise

  • Stand on your right foot with your left foot lifted behind you or slightly to the side.
  • Press through the ball of your right foot, lifting your heel off the ground.
  • Contract your calf muscles at the top of the movement. Hold the raised position briefly, feeling the calf contraction.
  • Lower your heel back down below the level of the platform. Repeat the controlled movement

Dumbbell Calf Raises

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Place the balls of your feet on an elevated surface, heels hanging off the edge.
  • Lift your heels as high as possible, contracting your calf muscles.
  • Hold for a moment at the top, emphasizing the calf squeeze.
  • Lower your heels back down below the level of the surface.
  • Repeat the movement for a complete set, maintaining a controlled pace.

Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise

  • Sit on a bench or chair with your back straight and feet flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, placing them on your thighs.
  • Lift your heels off the ground by pushing through the balls of your feet. Contract your calf muscles at the top of the movement.
  • Hold the raised position for a moment, feeling the contraction.
  • Lower your heels back down below the level of the platform.
  • Repeat the movement, maintaining control and a steady pace.

Seated Barbell Calf Raise

  • Sit on a flat bench with a barbell across your thighs, just above your knees.
  • Place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Lift your heels as high as possible, contracting your calf muscles.
  • Hold the raised position for a moment, emphasizing the calf squeeze. Lower your heels back down below the level of the bench.
  • Repeat the movement for a complete set, maintaining a controlled and deliberate pace.

Standing Barbell Calf Raise

  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell across your upper back.
  • Ensure the barbell is secured comfortably on your trapezius muscles. Lift your heels off the ground by pushing through the balls of your feet.
  • Contract your calf muscles at the top of the movement. Hold the raised position for a moment, feeling the contraction.
  • Lower your heels back down below the level of the platform. Repeat the movement, maintaining control and a steady pace.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise

  • Set up a 45-degree leg press machine, adjusting for comfort.
  • Sit with your back against the backrest, placing feet hip-width apart on the platform.
  • Extend your legs, lifting the weight. Contract your calf muscles at the top of the movement.
  • Hold the raised position, then lower your heels, bend your knees, and repeat.