45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Author Ether Brown

Written By: Ether Brown

Updated: Oct 13, 2024

Workout 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise
Primary Muscle Group Calves
Equipment Required Leg Press Machine
Force Type Push
Mechanics Compound
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle Group

Calves Muscle Exercises

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Sit on the 45-degree leg press machine with your back against the pad and your feet positioned on the lower part of the platform with just your toes and balls of your feet in contact.
  • Step 2: Keep your knees slightly bent and disengage the safety handles of the machine. Your heels should be hanging off the edge of the platform.
  • Step 3: Press through the balls of your feet, raising your heels as high as possible. Focus on contracting your calf muscles at the top of the movement.
  • Step 4: Pause briefly at the top for a strong contraction, then slowly lower your heels back down below the platform, feeling a stretch in your calves.
  • Step 5: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, keeping the movement slow and controlled to maximize the tension on your calf muscles.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Overview

The 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise is an effective exercise for targeting the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus. By using the leg press machine at an incline, you can add more resistance and better control the range of motion, leading to greater muscle activation.

This exercise is ideal for building calf size and strength while allowing for heavier loads compared to traditional standing calf raises. It is suitable for all fitness levels and can be easily adjusted by changing the weight on the leg press machine.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raises: Benefits

The 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise allows you to use a greater range of motion, helping to build muscle size and strength in the calves. The incline position of the leg press also reduces the strain on your lower back and shoulders, compared to traditional standing calf raises, making it a safer option for heavier lifting.

This exercise isolates the calf muscles and allows you to focus on slow, controlled reps, which enhances muscle engagement and helps improve both the definition and endurance of your calves. Additionally, it is a great way to progressively overload the calves for growth, as the leg press machine allows you to safely add more weight.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Pro Tips & Advanced Techniques

For maximum muscle activation, focus on a full range of motion—allow your heels to drop below the platform for a deep stretch, and rise as high as possible during the contraction. Avoid using momentum and ensure that the movement is controlled throughout. For an added challenge, slow down the eccentric (lowering) phase to increase time under tension, or pause at the top for 1-2 seconds to maximize the contraction. You can also perform single-leg calf raises on the leg press for extra intensity.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raises: Progression Plan


Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-12
Progression Tips: Start with a light weight to master form and control. Focus on the full range of motion and controlled reps.


Sets: 3-4
Reps: 12-15
Progression Tips: Gradually increase the weight while maintaining proper form. Focus on squeezing at the top of each rep.


Sets: 4-5
Reps: 15-20
Progression Tips: Use heavier weights and incorporate advanced techniques such as slow negatives or single-leg calf raises for added intensity.

45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What muscles do 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raises target?


This exercise primarily targets the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calves. It also engages the muscles in the feet and ankles for stability.

Is the 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raise suitable for beginners?


Yes, this exercise is beginner-friendly as long as proper form is maintained. Start with a lighter weight and focus on controlling the movement through a full range of motion.

How often should I do 45 Degree Leg Press Calf Raises?


Include this exercise in your leg workout routine 1-2 times per week, ensuring adequate rest for your calf muscles between sessions.

What common mistakes should I avoid?


Avoid using too much weight that causes you to rush through the movement. Focus on a slow, controlled motion and avoid bouncing or using momentum to lift the weight.

Can I perform this exercise with one leg?


Yes, performing single-leg calf raises on the leg press is an excellent way to increase intensity and correct muscle imbalances between your left and right calves.

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