Dumbbell Spider Curl: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Author Ether Brown

Written By: Ether Brown

Updated: Oct 13, 2024

Workout Dumbbell Spider Curl
Primary Muscle Group Biceps
Equipment Required Dumbbell, Incline Bench
Force Type Pull
Mechanics Isolation
Exercise Type Strength
Difficulty Intermediate

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Video Tutorial & Exercise Guide

Muscle Groups

Primary Muscle Group

Biceps Muscle Exercises

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Set up an incline bench at a 45-degree angle and lie face down on the bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms fully extended toward the floor, palms facing forward (supinated grip).
  • Step 2: Keep your chest pressed against the bench and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Begin the curl by contracting your biceps and curling the dumbbells upward toward your shoulders.
  • Step 3: Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, ensuring your elbows stay stationary and close to your sides.
  • Step 4: Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, fully extending your arms while keeping tension on the biceps.
  • Step 5: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining a controlled motion throughout the entire movement.

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Overview

The Dumbbell Spider Curl is an excellent isolation exercise that targets the biceps, particularly the short head of the muscle, giving the arms a fuller and more developed appearance. By performing the curl on an incline bench, you eliminate momentum and ensure that your biceps are doing all the work, making this exercise highly effective for maximizing muscle contraction.

This exercise is typically included in arm workouts to increase bicep size, strength, and definition. The incline bench setup also ensures you maintain proper form throughout the movement.

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Benefits

The Dumbbell Spider Curl allows for a greater range of motion than traditional bicep curls, which helps to fully engage the biceps and enhance muscle growth. By isolating the biceps, this exercise minimizes the involvement of other muscles, allowing you to focus on maximizing bicep activation.

It also helps to improve muscle symmetry, as you work each arm independently. The use of dumbbells further engages stabilizer muscles, improving coordination and muscle balance.

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Pro Tips & Advanced Techniques

To make the most of Dumbbell Spider Curls, focus on slow, controlled movements, particularly during the lowering phase, to increase time under tension. Avoid swinging the weights or using momentum, as this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. For an additional challenge, you can try pausing for a second at the top of the movement or incorporating drop sets to push the muscles to fatigue.

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Progression Plan


Sets: 2-3
Reps: 8-10
Progression Tips: Start with light dumbbells and focus on maintaining proper form and full range of motion.


Sets: 3
Reps: 10-12
Progression Tips: Increase the weight while maintaining slow, controlled movements, especially during the eccentric phase.


Sets: 4
Reps: 12-15
Progression Tips: Use heavier weights or incorporate advanced techniques such as dropsets or slow negatives to maximize bicep growth.

Dumbbell Spider Curl: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What muscles do Dumbbell Spider Curls target?


Dumbbell Spider Curls primarily target the biceps brachii, specifically the short head, while also engaging the forearms to a lesser degree.

Can beginners perform Dumbbell Spider Curls?


Yes, beginners can start with light dumbbells and focus on controlling the movement and mastering proper form before increasing weight.

How can I make Dumbbell Spider Curls more challenging?


To increase difficulty, use heavier dumbbells, slow down the tempo, or add a pause at the top of the curl for more muscle activation. You can also perform supersets or dropsets to increase intensity.

What are common mistakes to avoid during Dumbbell Spider Curls?


Avoid swinging your arms or using momentum to lift the weights. Focus on slow, controlled movements and keep your elbows stationary throughout the exercise.

How often should I include Dumbbell Spider Curls in my routine?


Incorporate Dumbbell Spider Curls 1-2 times per week as part of your bicep or arm workout routine to maximize strength and growth.

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